School Data

At The Quinta we are proud of the achievments both in progress and attainment that our pupils make. Although everyone works hard to achieve excellent results, we also appreciate that this is one small measure of a school and pupil's capability. We are more proud of the achievements that are more difficult to measure: the confidence our pupils have by attending residentials, performing at all levels of sport, taking to the stage in productions and understanding and upholding excellent social skills, caring for each other and leadership through play leaders , buddies and the school shop and school radio. 

We are consistently above the national, local authority and statistical neighbours data for end of KS2 results (11 year old end of primary). The results below are publicly available on the comparing school performance website: (Comparing school performance)

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Here is a link to The Quinta Primary school's performance data: 

The Quinta has adopted the Read, Write Inc scheme for teaching early reading (phonics)

The Quinta Primary School, Ullswater Road, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4LX