SEND at The Quinta
Dear Parents,
The information about The Quinta's Offer relating to Special Educational Needs is on this page; it also includes the actions and impact report of the offer. Every child is different and special, should you wish to discuss how we as a school can support you and your child please contact the school office and make an appointment to speak with the SENDCo Mrs Kerry Bernard and Headteacher Mr W Sharpe.
The school contact is Mrs Kerry Bernard and can be contacted through the main office: 01260 221640 or via email.
Mrs Bernard can be contacted from Monday -Thursday
Cheshire East SEND Re-visit
Please see letter to parents from Ofsted May 2021
Please see SEND re-visit outcome letter from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) following their inspection of Cheshire East in May. Inspection outcome letter, along with a briefing document can be seen.
Files to Download
Special Educational Needs Policy autism_and_meltdowns_guide.pdf Visyon's FamiliesCommunities Offer Oct-Dec pdf.pdf Keeping in Touch - SEND Revisit Outcome - 30.6.21 - Final.pdf Cheshire East Area LA SEND Revisit Outcome Letter Final.pdf Letter to parents and carers from Ofsted - May 2021.pdf Time Out For Parents - Children with Special Needs Visyon Parent Webinar Information Spring 2021 Visyon Activities Spring 2021 LASEND letter to Area Parents SEN Information Report (The Quinta SEND Local Offer)